Category Archives: Landscaping

How to Prevent Wind Damage to Young Trees

How to Prevent Wind Damage to Young Trees

Wind damage is a threat to young trees throughout the year. Strong winds and the heavy rain that often accompanies them can damage trees of any age from roots to branches, and inhibit young trees’ growth and long-term health. With this in mind, it’s important to know how to prevent wind damage to young trees… Continue Reading

Protect Your Evergreens this Winter Season

It’s not uncommon to see evergreen trees suffer from damage during the winter. More often than not, this damage is the result of what’s called desiccation. Desiccation occurs when the ground freezes and makes it impossible for evergreen trees to draw moisture from the soil. Instead, they’re forced to burn through all the moisture they’ve… Continue Reading

Why You Should Remove Dead Trees on Your Property ASAP

Why You Should Remove Dead Trees on Your Property ASAP

At their best, trees can be a welcome addition that adds beauty to any backyard. But when they die or are in the process of dying, removing them as soon as possible is of paramount importance. Dead and dying trees can do quite a bit of damage to your home and surrounding property. If you… Continue Reading

Don’t Make These Mulching Mistakes in Your Garden

With springtime in full swing, you may be preparing to freshen up your flowerbeds with new plantings and a healthy layer of mulch. In addition to giving your garden a neat, finished appearance, mulch also offers important practical benefits, preventing weed growth and helping the soil retain moisture. If you’re not careful with your mulching… Continue Reading

Importance of Landscaping in the Spring

Importance of Landscaping in the Spring

Spring is finally here, even though the weather still may not seem like it. The warmer weather is coming soon though, which means it is time to start thinking about cleaning up your yard before the summer season. It can be difficult to handle all of the landscaping yourself, especially if you have a large… Continue Reading

How to Help Trees and Shrubs Recover From Winter Damage

How to Help Trees and Shrubs Recover From Winter Damage

At this point in the season, you may be concerned about the effect all this harsh winter weather is having on your landscaping. The good news is, healthy trees and shrubs are pretty resilient, so you shouldn’t have to worry too much about most of the plantings on your property. If you’re still worried about… Continue Reading